Cardi B has shared some details nobody may have expected, in a now-deleted voice recording. The recording which was picked up by social media platform, HollyWood Unlocked, has since been shared by many and debate on what she expressed began on Wednesday.
In the voice recording, the 29-year-old mom of two, becomes emotional as she explains she never wanted to record a drill song because she knew the effect it would have.
“I’ve been having these weird feelings lately,” the rapper begins. “That’s kinda why I didn’t want to do this song, “Shake It’ or any drill song.”
“These songs are activating these demons that I killed. I don’t wanna be that girl anymore. I just wanna be a mother,” she continued, apparently tearing up as she spoke.
Cardi, known for her very vocal manner, recently had a baby boy, adding to her and rapper, Offset’s family. In the video, she maintains, she just wants to be a mother.
Caribbean entertainment news website, shared a video with the voice recording.