Reputed online event ticketing merchant, Island E tickets confirms that fans from all walks of life, can now quickly make their digital ticket purchases with any debit card in T&T, from any local bank that bears the VISA logo. The latest technological development is welcome news for many, since, despite efforts over the years, only credit card holders had been able to make online ticket purchases for events, prior to November 23rd, 2022. “Getting this finalized has taken some time,” admitted Island E-tickets founder, Kwesi Hopkinson. “Our team has been in continued negotiations with the banks and we’re happy to announce this breakthrough.”

The move will prove to be a step forward for not just Trinidad and Tobago’s finance sector, but also the entertainment industry. It comes ahead of what is projected to be an extremely busy Christmas into Carnival season in Trinidad and Tobago. “The option is now available for anyone with a debit card to simply head to and follow the instructions to purchase any event ticket, in Trinidad and Tobago currency, from wherever they are,” said Hopkinson. He emphasized that this option is a favorable one, as promoters will no longer need to print physical tickets and those making ticket purchases can easily obtain their tickets without the safety risk of walking to ticket outlets carrying cash.
The team at Island E-tickets believes this advancement in technology is one that promoters will whole-heartedly embrace. “What this option offers, is real-time accounting and while it may not immediately eliminate the scalping problem, it will decrease the trend, since promoters can now place restrictions on how many tickets one person can purchase,” Hopkinson explained.
Stressing that physical tickets will very soon be a thing of the past globally, Hopkinson said it is commendable that T&T is now in competitive standing with the rest of the world where this business feature is concerned. “The Island E tickets app will be launched in the next few weeks. We’re also looking forward to expanding the range of events that are accommodated via our platform. This new debit card option means more people can comfortably buy any ticket they wish, from the safety and comfort of their home. That’s big news!” he said.