This according to recent disclosure by Tourism Minister, Dr. Randal Mitchell. He expressed his intent to request any expressions of interest, by persons in the private sector, to partner with the NCC for “a new, renewed Soca Monarch type competition.”

The minister had been speaking during the prize giving ceremony for winners of the Calypso Monarch, Road March, Extempo Monarch and Freestyle Monarch competitions, on Tuesday evening. “We are not going to wait until the last minute and then be caught in shambles,”he said, adding, “We’re going to say how much we’re willing to partner with upfront, and we’re inviting anybody who wants to be a promoter for the Soca competition to come on board.”
The international Soca Monarch competition hit a snag prior to COVID-19, with visibly low attendance among carnival enthusiasts. It was last held publicly in 2020, when Iwer George and Kees Dieffenthaller of Kes the Band won the competition with ‘Stage Gone Bad.’ One year later, the event was staged virtually as a result of the pandemic, and Farmer Nappy secured the first place prize in the virtual showcase.
The International Soca Monarch competition, prior to 2020, had been a staple to T&T’s carnival calendar of events with major competitors like Machel Montano, Iwer George, Bunji Garlin, Fay Ann Lyons, Kees, Blaxx, Voice and many others using the stage to solidify their individual brands in what was a global showcase of T&T’s music. and culture.